The MAF token has many tools for earning money:

  • You can simply invest in a token and earn from raising its rate.

  • You can provide liquidity for trading pairs and earn trading commissions.

  • You can earn MAF on yield farms.

  • You can invest MAF in staking pools to earn even more MAF tokens.

The economic use of the token is not limited only to the internal ecosystem of the Mainfarm platform.

The MAF token will be used in various projects, stores and companies, as a settlement tool to constantly increase the token economy and its demand.

Token as a means of settlement

  • One of the directions of the commercial component of the token is its use as a means of settlement.

  • Any integration of the token into the economic sector increases the level of demand for the token.

  • The more the external and internal ecosystem of the token develops, the more stable its deflationary model.

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