OTC trading

OTC trading is the purchase of MAF tokens at a favorable price bypassing exchanges.

OTC Transaction Parameters

Sales volume MAFVolume transactionsDiscount on the MAFPayment Asset

$ 1200*

Not limited


BNB (BSC)***

* One-time purchase only for the specified amount in USD. ** Discount on the MAF token rate is provided from the current token rate at the time of the transaction. *** Payment for an OTC transaction is carried out in the BNB (BSC) cryptocurrency.


The volume of purchased tokens for an over-the-counter transaction is calculated at a single rate This allows the user to get an additional profit from 18% to 23%


After confirmation of readiness to make a OTC transaction by the user of the making the transaction and its ambassador, the parameters* of the transaction are valid for 30 minutes. If the transaction is not completed within 30 minutes, the parameters* of the transaction are recalculated according to the current token rates.

* Transaction parameters:

  • The MAF token rate approved at the time of the transaction

  • MAF Sales volume

How to make a OTC deal?

  • Contact the official ambassador of the company.

  • Arrange with the ambassador to conduct an OTC transaction.

  • Your ambassador will fix the exchange rate of the token you are buying at the time of the transaction.

  • Your ambassador will determine the amount in BNB that you will have to pay for your OTC transaction.

  • If you are satisfied with the exchange rate of the tokens you are buying and you are ready to pay for the transaction, send your BNB tokens to the official wallet of the company.

  • After sending BNB tokens for an OTC transaction, send the transaction hash to your ambassador and send your wallet to transfer your purchased MAF tokens to you.

  • The time of receipt of MAF tokens to your wallet after your payment is from 15 minutes to 1 hour.


Payment for a OTC transaction is made only to the official wallet of the company. Otherwise, you lose your funds.

The company's wallet to pay for a OTC transaction:



The MAF tokens will be transferred to the same wallet from which the BNB was received to pay for the OTC transaction. It is forbidden to use exchange wallets for "OTC trading", use only personal wallets, otherwise you will lose your funds.


OTC trading of tokens is possible only through the platform's Ambassador. Be "in touch" with your ambassador at the time of the transaction.


Referral program OTC

You can recommend your partners (referrals) to purchase MAF tokens at a discount through over-the-counter trading (OTC). If, according to your recommendation, your partner (referral) purchases MAF tokens through OTC trading, you receive a referral bonus from the platform in the amount of 6% of the amount of your partner's purchase of MAF tokens.

  • In order to make a OTC transaction with your partner (referral), you must explain to your partner (referral) all the terms and conditions of the platform.

  • After your partner (referral) gets acquainted with all the rules, contact your ambassador and conduct a OTC transaction with your partner (referral) with the help of the ambassador.

  • After the completion of the OTC transaction, the platform's ambassador will pay you a reward of 6% of the purchase amount.

  • Purchase amount is the amount for which the user (referral) purchases MAF tokens using OTC trading. For example: The user (referral) purchases MAF tokens in the amount of 1 BNB ($300). The premium of the upliner (referrer) will be 6% of 1 BNB ($300) = 0.06 BNB ($18)

  • Definitions: Upliner (referrer) of the transaction is a participant who invited another participant (referral) to purchase MAF tokens for OTC trading. Referral is a participant who buys MAF tokens through an OTC transaction at the invitation of another participant.


Last updated